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Making the case for "Awakening", "Born Again", "Rebirth" of society through Joyce's Finnegans Wake... Greater Awakening. "WakeWoke" / "Wake Woke"... climbing Tower of Babel and beyond to the cosmos...

The term “wokeness” has been a battleground since 2014, but that itself is the topic of James Joyce's "Finnegans Wake" book that started to be serially published in 1928 under the title "Work in Progress". Marshall McLuhan has declared Joyce's work to be the greatest tool in media ecology and interpretation of media changes throughout history.

Finnegans Wake - Woke. Woke to media ecology and reality of media influence, going back to classic religion concepts of waking up - with the opening sentence of Finnegans Wake referencing Adam/Eve and the Tree of Knowledge in the Torah, Bible, Quran... but even a greater awakening in the Tower of Babel metaphor to all world languages and monomyth metaphors throughout the planet. James Joyce uses public dream of nighttime to navigate rivers and the recirculation of water, to get past the "Fall of Man".

“Joyce is, in the Wake, making his own Altamira cave drawings of the entire history of the human mind, in terms of its basic gestures & postures during all the phases of human culture and technology" - #MarshallMcLuhan

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